The Artist
Selected Public Lectures and Judging Panels
- The Rolf Harris Painting Competition.
The Federation of Radnor YFC 55th Annual Rally, supported by the Barclays Rural Regeneration Fund, June 2003.
Sole Judge
- My Life and Work.
Illustrated Lecture, Mid-Warwickshire College of Further Education Adult Outreach Programme, Leamington Spa, 1992
- Landscape Painting in South Africa.
Illustrated Lecture and Workshop in relation to the touring exhibition Art from South Africa. Stoke-on-Trent Art Gallery, 1991
- My Life and Work.
Illustrated Lecture, Art Teachers Association, Education Development Service, Warwickshire County Education Department, Leamington Spa, 1991
- Being Here and Being There.
Tricycle Gallery, London. BBC World Service interview, 1991
- Commissions. Scope for the Artist.
Lecture with Clare Stracey to the Birmingham Architectural Association, 1990
- Studio Visit and interview. Central Television, 1989
- Volkskas Atelier Award Competition,
South African Association of Arts, Pretoria, 1985. National Selection Panel
- Art Communication 84.
Curator of art exhibition for the first African Arts Festival, Umlazi Township, Natal 1984
- What is Art?
Illustrated Lecture, Zululand Art Society, Members Exhibition, 1983
- Art Communication 83.
First Exhibition by Black Natal Artists in a Black Township. Aim: to challenge the notion that Black Art is only involved with traditional crafts. The Executive Hotel Umlazi, 1983.
Sole Selector, by invitation of the artists
- International Art Week,
Landau/ Essen, West Germany, 1982. Panel of Selectors, Natal
- Old and New,
South African National Art Competition, Natal Building Society Centenary Exhibition, 1982.
Panel of Judges
- Watercolour Society of South Africa,
Open Exhibition, N.S.A. Gallery 1982.
Selection Panel
- Learning to Draw,
Illustrated Lecture, Friends of the Durban art Gallery, Durban Art Museum, 16 June 1982, with Andrew Verster.
Also to the Natal Art Teachers Association, Durban, 1982
- The Republic Festival Arts Exhibition,
SABC 'Radio Today' Discussion Panel. Diana Kenton invited to represent the artists who had boycotted the exhibition for political reasons. Together with Rodney Harber President of the S.A. Assoc. of Arts; Jill Addleson, Curator of the Durban Art Gallery, 1981
- New Signatures Biennial Exhibition,
Association of Arts Natal, 1981.
Panel of Judges
- Judy Chicago's “The Dinner Party”,
Illustrated Lecture, Annual General Meeting, Association of Arts, Natal, 22 April 1981.
Also to the Durban Feminist Society, University of Natal, 1981
- Homage Aux Prix Nobel,
International Nobel Portfolio of Graphics, 70th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize, Opening Speech,
N.S.A. Gallery, 27 April, 1979
- Recent Acquisitions,
Durban Art Museum, Gallery Lecture, 3 October 1979
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